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Houston’s Transit Future
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The Houston region is poised to become a leader in transit and transit-oriented development - if we just don’t lose our nerve, and are able to think outside the traditional boxes about how to deliver service in a huge, diverse, polycentric metropolitan region.

Study: Sprawl Costs U.S. $1 Trillion Annually
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Americans living in sprawled communities directly bear $625 billion in total incremental costs and impose an extra $400 billion in external costs on governments, businesses and other households, according to a new study reported in Planetizen: A major new report, Analysis of Public Policies that Unintentionally Encourage and Subsidize Sprawl,…

290 Utility Corridor Proposed for High Speed Rail
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The Texas Central Railway has recommended a route to the Federal Railroad Administration for a proposed high-speed rail project between Dallas and Houston, according to a story in the Houston Business Journal: The TCR selected the utility corridor, a route that runs along State Highway 290, connects with Interstate 10…

Metro Board Approves New Houston Bus System
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The METRO Board of Directors today approved a complete revamp of the local bus system. The unanimous vote was immediately followed by applause from the audience, according to a story in GuidryNews.com: “The bus system is the bedrock of METRO and this new system is going to be great,” said…

$750 Million Not Coming to Houston Because of Metro Referendum
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President Obama’s FY2016 budget for the FHWA does not include any Capital Investment funds for the Houston region, with our only eligible project - the University Line - leaving $750 Million on the table as a result of the 2012 Metro Referendum, according to the project profile provided by the…

Less Than 1% of Houston-Galveston Prop 1 Spending Inside Beltway
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The Houston - Galveston Area Council proposal for allocating $288 Million in 2015 Proposition 1 Funds for the Houston region would spend less than 1% of those funds inside Beltway 8, according to H-GAC materials (pdf). The area inside Beltway 8 is home to about 40% of the people and…

Houston’s Allen Parkway to Be Redesigned to Be Safe for All Users
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The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Department is working with the Downtown Redevelopment Authority to redesign Allen Parkway to be safe for all users, according to the event flyer (pdf) A public meeting will be held Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 6 - 7 pm at the Neighborhood…