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Houston Region Growth Patterns Have Significantly Shifted to City
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The City of Houston added more people than almost any City in America - second only to New York City - adding 40,032 people between 2014 and 2015, according to the Urban Edge blog. Looking at the new Census data for 2015 confirms that growth in the Houston region has…

Mayor Turner’s Paradigm Shift Includes Regional BRT, TOD, Flexible Funding
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Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner explained the paradigm shift to the Transportation Advocacy Group - Houston at a luncheon on Tuesday, according to the Houston Chronicle: “The solution is to increasingly take advantage of other modes of travel,” Turner said at the event, hosted by Transportation Advocacy Group – Houston Region.…

Memo to the Next Houston Tomorrow Executive Director
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MEMO TO: Houston Tomorrow’s next Executive Director FROM: Jay Blazek Crossley, current Executive Director RE: The next five years of Houston Tomorrow DATE: May 1, 2016 Houston Tomorrow is an independent nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life for all the people of the Houston region. Our vision is…

H-GAC Offering Walk/Bike Audit for Local Government
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The Houston - Galveston Area Council is looking to work with a local government or transportation agency to conduct a walk/bike audit with the considerable resources of a Metropolitan Planning Organization, according to an email to the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Subcommittee: H-GAC Walk/Bike Audit Does your community have a roadway…

H-GAC TPC discusses creation of a regional Vision Zero Task Force, kinda
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Today the members of the Houston-Galveston Area Transportation Policy Council (TPC) discussed the re-establishment of the Regional Safety Council, a body that would study comprehensively and across disciplines how to improve transportation safety and reduce traffic-related deaths and serious injuries throughout the 13-county Gulf Coast region. If this sounds a…

“What Can We Do By 2024?” Report Released
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Six months ago, Houston Tomorrow hosted What Can We Do By 2022?, a series of luncheons and lectures with invited experts to inject good policy ideas into the Houston elections, and provide recommendations for the next administration. Our expert panel focused on the potential impact of walkable urbanism on tax…

Mayor Turner Tells TTC We Need a Paradigm Shift
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Newly elected Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner traveled to Austin to deliver a rousing speech to the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) today saying that the transportation strategies of the past are not sufficient to meet today’s needs. The TTC plans to allocate $1.3 billion to road expansion projects today, the first…

Vision Zero for Houston Report Released
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In 2014, 667 people died on the streets in the Houston region, 227 of them in the City of Houston. We expect to find that there were more deaths than this in 2015. It’s time for the City of Houston to join its large peer cities in making a Vision…

Let’s End Traffic Deaths
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In 2014, 667 people died on the streets in the Houston region, 227 of them in the City of Houston. We expect to find that there were more deaths in 2015. Will 2016 be the year that road violence on the streets of Houston begins to go down? Will our…

Walkable, Mixed-Use Projects Taking Off in Houston
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Like a lot of things, single family and multifamily construction development is expected to slow down this year. But another kind of development is expected to rise and carry the residential development market through the slump: Mixed-use, walkable urban projects. According to chief economist for CMD construction research group, Alex…

Help Houston Bike Share Site 71 New Stations on a Wiki
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Houston’s bike share system, Houston BCycle, will be adding 71 new stations thanks to a $3.5 million grant through the H-GAC TIP Call for Projects, according to the Houston Chronicle. Houston BCycle is opening up the process of selecting the best locations through an online wiki at WikiMapping. They have…

MobilityHouston Has Launched
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When it comes to moving around the city, what do Houstonians’ really want and how do we get there? The Glasshouse Policy guys, who created MobilityATX for Austin last year, have brought their ultra-participatory, crowdsourced policy platform to Houston to gather our thoughts on traffic solutions. Today marks the launch…