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Take the HTDOT New Bus Network Challenge
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The Houston Tomorrow Department of Transportation New Bus Network Challenge will take you on an adventure around Houston on Metro’s new frequent bus network. Follow the trail of clues to complete the challenge and you’ll win a shirt, a hat, and support HTDOT’s work to bring balanced, safe transportation to…

Christof Spieler: Transit for the People of HOU
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Houston needs better transit if we are going to continue to be an economically competitive city, and we’re falling behind our peers. Cities like Dallas, Denver, Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Los Angeles have been rapidly expanding their transit systems, and they have ambitious plans for more. In Houston, with…

Summer Policy Series to Build a Stronger Houston
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This November, an election will be held for the position of the Mayor of Houston. What Could Houston’s next mayor do by the year 2022? What it is Houston Tomorrow will host a series of three luncheons, each with a panel of keynote speakers who will present on topics that…

No More Road Only Bonds
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Another road building bond failed to meet the expectations of the voters of Montgomery County and the only thing so far to emerge from the elected officials is to try again in November with another road subsidy bond but without the extension of the Woodland Parkway, according to the Houston…

Bicycle Delivery Service Robbed, Finds Suspects, Recovers Bike
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A delivery person for the Rad Ass Delivery bicycle based grocery delivery service in Montrose was attacked on the street and their bike was taken on Tuesday, according to their FaceBook post. However, they found the suspects the following day, called the police, and were able to recover their bike.…

13 Years Later, Midtown Park Is Emerging
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Midtown Park, first envisioned as McGowen Green by Houston Tomorrow in 2002, is now coming to fruition at the McGowen light rail station, albeit at about half the size and with a different name, according to a story in the Houston Chronicle: Renderings unveiled last week of Midtown Park, also…

It Took 51% More Time to Drive Out Katy Freeway in 2014 Than in 2011
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Houston commutes continue to get worse despite billions in spending on new road capacity. Traveling from Downtown outbound on the I-10 Katy Freeway to Pin Oak took 51% more time in 2014 than in 2011, according to Houston Tomorrow analysis of Houston Transtar data. The Houston region in recent years…

Legislature Decides Not to Block High Speed Rail
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A rider to the state budget concerning the use of taxpayer dollars on high speed rail projects in Texas has failed in the conference group charged with coming up with the final budget proposal, according to a story from KTBX in Bryan/College Station: Rider 48 was removed in a 6-4…

Rep. John Culberson and Metro Reach Deal on University Line
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Representative John Culberson and Metro have reached a deal to alter Houston specific anti-transit language in the Federal Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Bill, setting up a future voter referendum to build the University Light Rail Line on Richmond, according to a draft of the amendment from Representative Culberson’s office…

Changes to Houston Design Manual Could Transform Streets
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The regular process to update the City of Houston Infrastructure Design Manual (pdf) - which happens in most years without much fanfare or public involvement - should soon result in a significant change to how Houston streets are designed in the future, including moving toward solidifying the city’s use of…

We Don’t Vote on New Roads — Why Rail?
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Beginning with early voting and continuing through the May 9 election date, San Antonio’s registered voters will cast votes that will have an impact on our city. Not only will voters decide on which candidates will lead San Antonio, they will decide whether to amend our City Charter; San Antonio’s…

Senator Rodney Ellis: Dedicated Road Funding Is Poor Policy
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Transportation funding is an important issue for our state, and it must be addressed. Infrastructure investment is key to creating good paying jobs and ensuring Texas remains competitive in the 21st century economy. But so is investing in our human infrastructure, through quality educational opportunities and better health care for…