Recent Streetsblog TEXAS posts about Podcast


Talking Headways Podcast: Guidelines and Expectations for Transit Oriented Development

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This week we’re joined by Abby Thorne Lyman, who manages the transit-oriented development program at BART. Abby discusses how the agency pulled together its new transit-oriented development guidelines. We talk about the importance of reduced parking, the ridership benefits of TOD, and expectations transit agencies should have for property developers.

Talking Headways Podcast: Critiquing the Language of Planners

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This week, Robin Rather of Collective Strength joins the podcast to talk about missteps in the planning profession - including how things go wrong with language. Robin shares how she got to thinking about urban issues and why she believes current planning practice is stuck in the 1990s. We discuss the often jargon-filled language the profession uses, taking a paragraph from Austin’s current zoning code rewrite to illustrate.

Talking Headways Podcast: Self Driving Cars Getting Drunk on Motor Oil

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For the 150th episode of the podcast, this week we welcome back Talking Headways co-founder Tanya Snyder, now a reporter at Politico Magazine. We get into the developing topic of regulating self-driving vehicles, including issues of children’s safety and state versus federal rules. We also discuss aviation legislation in the House of Representatives, what it means for drones, and whether private jets should pay more for air traffic control.