Today’s Headlines
- Rail~Volution Comes to Dallas This Week (Morning News)
- Dallas to Subsidize Move of a Concrete Plant Away From Mixed Use District (Morning News)
- Do the Feds Really Object to Dallas Designing Trinity Roadway for Slow Speeds? (Morning News)
- Why Ignore Transit Access, Multifamily in Affordable Housing Discussions? (Morning News)
- Unsafe Streets, Excessive Driving Cause People Walking, Riding Bikes to Live in Fear (Morning News)
- Cheap Gas and Lack of VMT Tax Help Cause Traffic in Texas Cities (Austin American Statesman)
- Chairman Joe Pickett Glad Prop 7 Will Remove Decision Making From Lege (Waco Tribune)
- Unattributed Editorial Argues That Texas Taxes Will Have to Rise Even if Prop 7 Passes (Midland R-T)
More headlines at Streetsblog USA