Today’s Headlines
- $2.5 Million Project for New Trail Connection Under Congress Avenue Bridge (Community Impact)
- Living Carless in Houston (OffCite)
- How B-Cycle Will More Than Triple Bike-sharing in Houston (Urban Edge)
- Texas A&M Recognized Nationally as a “Bike Friendly Campus” (Texas A&M Today)
- Health Professionals and Texas Transportation Institute Work Together to Create Better Opportunities (TTI)
- Texas Lawmakers Worried They Won’t Get Credit for Creating More Traffic Congestion (Morning News)
- Austinites Stand Up Against Bad Options for MoPac South (Austin Monitor)
- TTI Policy Research Center on Automated Vehicles and “Revolutionizing Our Roadways” (TTI)
- HEB South Flores Will Anchor the Walking, Biking, Living Culture of Downtown SA (Rivard Report)
- Downtown Dallas Doesn’t Have a Parking Problem, It Has a Downtown Dallas Problem (Morning News)
- Ads in the Bus and Cheaper Rides for Students: METRO’s Agenda (Houston Chronicle)
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