Today’s Headlines
- Texas Comptroller’s Office Examines the Fiscal Impacts of Massive Road Spending (Fiscal Notes)
- Rick Wamre: Dallas Should Find a City Manager With Experience in Walkable Urban Cities (Advocate)
- H-GAC Commits Half a Million to Study Unnecessary 36A Sprawl Road (Houston Chron)
- Polling: Only 27% of Austin Voters Would Vote Against the Good Light Rail Plan (Austin Monitor)
- TXDOT Paying Police Officers to Help Drivers Through Detour of I-10 in El Paso (KFOX)
- TTI Working to Improve Texas A&M Campus Traffic and Parking With Tech Strategies (KBTX)
- DART: Proposed D2 Light Rail Route Won’t Work, Opportunity for Subway Proponents (Morning News)
- Meeting Wednesday on Proposals to Make Capitol Complex More Bike/Ped Friendly (Austin Bike Ped)
- Austin Energy Issues First Ever E-Bike Rebates to BikeTexas to Launch New Program (Austin Energy)
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